How much does a microschool cost the host partner?
This depends on what existing resources the host partner already has. If the host partner has access to space, such as an empty office or conference room, warehouse, or similar space that cuts cost significantly. Another big ticket item is technology, but many organizations have unused laptops or desktop computers that are available to use. MicroschoolingMS has access to world-class curricula and learning tools at low or no cost. Hiring an individual to be the learning guide or instructor is often the biggest expense that our microschooling partners face.
Will the instructor be a licensed teacher?
Sometimes, though not always - different microschooling arrangements are possible, and cost is a consideration.
What age range do microschools serve?
Microschools serve children in grades k-12. It's good to know the needs of your families, often times partnership microschools are designed for grades k-8, however if you are a trade association or union, perhaps you would like a high school with a particular focus. For example, a contractors association might want to focus on high school academics and graduating students with industry certifications. A culinary union might prepare high school students for the workforce while we provide the high school academics. The sky is the limit, and designing a program specifically for your needs will inform the decision about what grades to serve.
What does a microschooling schedule look like?
That depends on your needs. Designing a partnership microschool schedule around the workday of your employees is important, and one of the many attractive benefits. Some microschooling options have children attend 5 days a week during typical school hours. Other arrangements have children attending a hybrid model where they are in person several days a week and work independently the remaining days. Other arrang3ements focus on academics the first 4 days in the week, with the children attending a work study program the fifth day.
What kind of child thrives in a microschooing environment?
Microschooling is a good option for many children. Microschooling accelerates independent learning, and helps foster a love of learning, which is well-suited for many children.
How is a child’s progress measured at a microschool?
This depends on what you are looking for in microschooling, there are a variety of options. For partnership microschools, we often recommend aligning with state standards. We also recommend built-in assessments that measure a child's progress without requiring a large financial investment. Often state tests are costly and cause the children to miss multiple teaching and learning days.
Do microschools serve special needs children?
We encourage every parent interested in microschooling to seek out options and speak with the leaders of the microschools to see what works best for your family. Many children thrive in microschool environments, and while there may not be a specific special education program in the microschool of your choice, you might find the micrschooling environment well-equipped to guide your child in a way that allows them to grow and flourish.